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Potential Improvments to the privilage system

  • Separate privilage groups from qualification status
  • Qualification Status groups can be members of a privilage group

eg. Trainee DMs, New DMs and Full DMs are all members of the DM privilage group

  • Individuals can also be made members of a privilage group

eg. Web developers can be members of the web_developer privilage group
This would allow a sub group of the IT team who do web development

  • Individuals can be given individual privilages
    • As already permitted
  • Privilages assigned by qualification status can be expired when crew membership is revoked however individual privilages and privilage groups can be retained.
    • This would allow people who maintain an active interest in WSC to access things like the gallery, but if they no longer actively participate they don't need rota access
  • Remove validation by qualification status and replace with privilages

eg. Sign up as a DM is done by privilage to sign up as DM not by qualification status of DM