Health and Safety

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General Points

• Tie long hair back

• Use the trolley or get someone to help lift the film if you can’t do it safely on your own.

• Don’t point the air guns at anybody.

• Tell people if you lift the floor up, then replace it as soon as you are done

• Try to avoid using the solvents with the door shut.

• Make sure the area around the projectors and the making up area is fairly clear.

• Shut the door on the projector when running and don’t put your hand in to fix things while it is running.

• Know where all the emergency stop buttons are: by both projectors and where P3 would be, by the platter, by the electric winding bench, by the fire escape.

• When opening the lamp house, make sure everyone around is aware of what you are doing and wear the face masks.

• During tech sessions wear the appropriate safety equipment, e.g. face masks, gloves, apron.

• If a safety trips on the projector identify the fault, fix it and remember to turn the safety back on again.

What to do in the event of a fire

• For digital, switch off the projector lamp and pause the playlist if there's time and it is safe to do so.

• For film, shut the projector down properly, down and mute.

• Turn the lights in L3 on so that the audience can evacuate.

• Make your way to the nearest fire assembly point in car park 7.

• If it is just a fire alarm and there is no fire in either the proj box or L3 then lock the door to the proj box as you leave.

• If you see a fire and the alarm has not gone off, set the alarm off; they are located in the corridor and in the proj box by the fire exit.

• The qualified projectionist should make sure that the trainee knows what to do and evacuates safely.

• DON’T use the fire extinguisher to put a fire out; it is for clearing the way to the door only.

• If the main door is blocked by fire use the emergency exit.

All you are really responsible for is your own safety — DO NOT take any unnecessary risks.

In the event of electric shock

• Hit the nearest emergency stop button but be aware that this does not cut the power to the sockets at ground level or any of the lighting.

• Don’t touch the person involved, if they are still near the source of electrocution try and move them away with something insulated i.e. a wooden broom etc.

• Phone campus security for an ambulance, the number is in the exec office on the wall. It is 22222 or 999 on an internal phone or 02476522222 on any other phone.

To prevent electric shock

• When changing fuses, carrying out maintenance on the projectors etc. make sure the relevant circuits have been tripped.

• Keep hands away from the middle of the platter, while it is on.