Filling in the NFT Returns Book

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In order for a film to be collected by NFT, it must be labelled and the returns book filled in correctly. This can be surprisingly tricky to get right as there are a few gotchas and if you do it wrong NFT may refuse to collect, or we may not be able to prove we've returned a film if it ever gets chased up with us.

Preparing Your Film for Return

You'll need to make sure the film is labelled properly for return, like so:

Film case return.jpg

Note that:

  • The strap (if present) is pulled tight so that the box will stay closed.
  • The delivery label has been reversed so that it says "return" and features the return address, not the delivery address. If your film isn't in a big red/blue transit case you may not have one of these.
  • The Royal Mail relay label has been covered with an NFT returns label. These can be found in the purple wallet inside the door. If we're running out (and there are definitely no more unopened packs in there) please let the films officer know ASAP so they can order more. These come in three sections; you'll need the two tracking number counterparts later. Don't worry about the "sender ref" section or try to peel the section of barcode just above that box.

NFT return label.jpg

Filling in the Book

The NFT returns book has several pages of original white pages, and their pink carbonless copies. This should be filled in like this:

Completed NFT book.jpg

Note that:

  • The "cinema" (Warwick Student Cinema, of course) and the "date" (of when the page was started – don't start a new page for additions on subsequent days) sections have been completed.
  • The film title matches that on the case (especially important if the film was delivered under a psuedonym – don't be tempted to 'correct' this!).
  • Number of cases has been filled in ONLY in the "FILM TITLES" section and not the "ADVERTISING/PUBLICITY" one (you're going to cover this in a moment anwyay).
  • The copy number is the full copy number from the case label, including any "DIGI" prefixes.
  • The two small remaining labels from earlier have been stuck on both the original and copy pages.

Do make sure you write with enough force (using a ballpoint pen) that the copy is readable, as this is the one we get left with!

NFT return copy.jpg

Also, do NOT forget to place the cardboard sheet behind your copy page when you're writing in the book, or it'll print through onto the next several pink sheets and ruin them. Check inside the dump if it's not inserted into the book somewhere.

Leaving the Dump Ready for Collection

Make sure the returns book is plainly visible ready for the NFT driver to sign off on the collection. Also, make sure your film in placed in the dump with the return label facing forward and clearly visible.