Banking Slip

From Warwick Student Cinema
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This page exists as a reference on how to complete the banking slips.


Once the film has started and the DM has returned to the office, the banking slip can be filled in. If the DM decides to watch the film, the banking slip and money counting can be conducted after the film, however, this is unadvisable if it is a late show.

Navigate to the main EPOS page and click "Deactivate" on your show. You will then be taken to a page with various denominations of money and other boxes. Collate all the money from both floats and make sure that £100 is present in each of them, in £5 notes, £1 coins and 50p coins. If required, get the Spare Change box from the safe and get more of the required denomination, but make sure the Spare Change box stays at £200. Then with the remaining money, count up how many of each denomination there is and then start filling in the form. Remember, do not type in the number of each denomination, but the total value of all of the notes coins. For example, if you had four £10 notes, you would type in 40 rather than 4. Continue for all the denominations. Then, on the right hand side of the page, indicate if there were any Socs Fed memberships or Film Soc memberships sold and type in the total value of these. The total amount of money should then be calculated and you can see whether you have a till difference or not. If you do have a till difference, please refer to the instructions in the office about having a till difference.

Then you can type in the IDs of the POS sessions, which are on the small receipts. If necessary, you can also add any notes in the Notes box. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES USE ANY SPECIAL CHARACTERS IN THE NOTES BOX. If you need to type a £ sign, use GBP or Sterling, but NOT "£".

Once this has been done, print it out in the office and then cut the sheet in half, along the dotted lines. The left side, the Banking Slip, goes inside a grey bag with the rest of the notes and coin bags. This grey bag then goes in the orange bag in the safe. The other side, the Treasurer's Tray Return, has the Show Report and the POS receipts stapled on the back, at the top, and in the centre, because this is how the Treasurer likes it done. Any other way of doing the stapling will result in a fate involving the WSC fixing stick.

Make sure that the DM and, if one is present, the TDM, sign the Treasurer's Tray Return, before placing it in the Treasurer's tray.