The AllNighter Format

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Revision as of 17:31, 26 August 2010 by Robertg (talk | contribs) (Short Films)
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The AllNighter is WSC's flagship event, and one not to be missed. It's a night of great films and interval entertainment (including a film quiz and raffle with the chance to win hundreds of pounds' worth of prizes), creating an atmosphere second to none! Tickets will be on sale before films during Week 7 and at the event itself. Tickets sold on the door will be on a first come, first served basis so buy early to avoid disappointment!


The AllNighter will consist of five or six films, dependent upon their lenghts (total length of films should not exceed about 11 hours!).

Included amongst these films will usually be at least one of each of:

  • Headliner - a film that deserved to be on the schedule, but that was deliberately moved to the AllNighter as a draw for the crowds.
  • Comedy - we all love a good laugh :-)
  • Action - if not the headliner, then another film will have copious quantities of gun slinging or fake blood.
  • The Mystery - a tightly guarded secret. Chosen by the Films Officer and known only by them and the Treasurer. The Mystery film has varied from classics from decades ago to previews released to WSC under the tightest levels of security, so it really could be anything!
  • The Classic - often the last film of the AllNighter will be one that we all know and love, allowing you to dose in and out of consciousness during the not so small hours of Saturday morning - these can range from five to forty years old, bit will usually be ones that several audience members will know every word to!

Basic Format

~ 19:30 Doors open ~ 19:45 Play adverts & trailers reel, but don't go straight into film. ~ 20:10 WSC President does a brief welcoming speech, including mention of tickets, raffle tickets, no alcohol, general behaviour etc.

From approximately 20:15, the real event gets into full swing, with a line-up along the following lines:

  • Film 1
  • Film Quiz
  • Film 2
  • Autumn Term = quiz answers, Spring Term = Exec Handover
  • Film 3
  • Raffle (and quiz answers if appropriate)
  • Film 4 - The Mystery Film - Preceded by the imaginatively titled 'Pre-Mystery Reel'.
  • Short Films
  • Film 5
  • Short refreshment break, possibly with more short films.
  • Film 6
  • Top Gun Anthem!!!

Short Films

WSC encourages students, especially those at Warwick, to showcase their short pieces of film on the big stage at the AllNighter - gaining exposure to up to 300 people. Previous offerings have included the wonderful G103 (twice), various pieces fromWarwick TV, as well as several winners from the annual Warwick Shootout competition.