
From Warwick Student Cinema
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Common standards on how to write php pages for the website


  • Make it easier for other people to edit your code
  • Ensure that pages are written securely
  • Encourage compatibility with future changes


  • Optional $page_title
  • Optional includes
    • Use include_once or require_once
    • Any includes that are not used on every page are to be included at the start of the page using them
  • All pages that require authentication are to start with

wscauth_requirepriv(PRIV); or

  • All pages that are passed variables by a form are to declare the variables after the authentication using


  • Optional check for any vars passed to the page either by url or POST
  • Avoid nested or long if statements

eg. instead of if(COND){Do lots of code}
use if(!COND){return;}Do lots of code

  • Use functions to make the structure of a page clear
    • If the page performs lots of actions use a switch statment to call functions that perform the actions. Do not use lots of if statments throughout the page
    • If functions are used on more than one page, put them in an include
    • Where possible use existing functions even if it is slightly less efficient. This will make the website more reliable and have a negligable impact on performance.
  • All database queries are to be performed in functions specifically for that task
  • Database queries should use PEAR or string formatting functions

eg. $query=sprintf("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id='%d' AND string='%s'",