Ingesting Adverts

From Warwick Student Cinema
Revision as of 17:39, 27 February 2019 by CallumOS (talk | contribs) (Ingestion Process)
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All of our screenings are proceeded by adverts from Pearl and Dean. These are usually delivered to the dump on a hard drive every Wednesday. These should be ingested as soon as possible through the following procedure.

Ingestion Process

  1. Open the blue plastic packet and remove the box.
  2. Take the label out of the packet and stow in the box for later use.
  3. Switch off the "ACHTUNG" switch on the Doremi.
  4. Place the hard drive from the box THE CORRECT WAY AROUND into the drive bay.
  5. Switch on the "ACHTUNG" switch.
  6. Access the Ingest Manager on the Doremi.
  7. Select all of the files and click "Ingest".
  8. When the ingestion is complete, switch off the "ACHTUNG" switch and remove the hard drive.
  9. Place the hard drive back in the box and remove the return bag and label.
  10. Put the box in the bag, seal it, and apply the label.
  11. Place in the dump for collection on Wednesday.
  12. Ensure that the Chief Proj. has ingested both the "Ad reel" and "Ad pack 2 (AP2)".